Many women today are considering having breast augmentation and wisely are looking at all the options before making an expensive, life-changing decision. Both men and women alike cannot be truly happy unless they are content with their figure and shape.
A woman’s femininity comes mainly from her breasts. A woman should be proud of her figure, and should dress to feel comfortable, confident and attractive. For those who are not naturally endowed by nature with fuller, bigger breasts, a little help may be necessary to enlarge breast naturally or with surgery.
Age and childbirth are not kind to a women’s figure. Those who once had firm breasts eventually realize that their figure is aging and their breasts are sagging. Some men also may seek a more feminine body and want to have feminine breasts.
The debate goes on between having surgical breast augmentation and using a natural breast enhancement program which may include a natural breast enlargement cream, breast pills and breast enlargement exercises. You may have already discovered that breast implant surgery has many complications. No surgery is without a degree of risk, and most people do not volunteer to be anesthetized and cut without good medical reason.
Breast implants are an invasive procedure and the final result may not be what you envisaged. Implants may look and feel hard and artificial. The body naturally creates scar tissue around the implants. This is nature’s response to a foreign object residing within the body.
Implants can interfere with mammograms, inhibiting the detection of breast cancer. Breast Implants are also known to leak or break, leading to serious complications. Further surgery will then be necessary to rectify the problem. Implants are not a permanent solution as many believe and only last up to 10 years before the risk of leaks and breaks makes further surgery likely.
Alarmingly, a recent FDA study concluded that most implant patients have at least one major complication within the first 3 years of having breast augmentation.
So what’s the alternative? Until recently, natural breast enlargement methods have not been considered a realistic viable alternative. Now, Pueraria Mirifica is being hailed as the new ‘Miracle Herb’ by many. It is a 100% natural product that is proven to work and with no side effects. It is cheaper and safer than breast implants, yet you can enlarge breasts naturally in 3-4 months. Changes have been reported within just 30 days.
Consider the benefits natural breast enlargement methods:
* No invasive surgery
* No pain
* No huge costs to outlay
* No health risks
* No leaks or breaks
* No hard, unnatural shape and feel
* Absolutely NO risk at all.
Isn’t it sensible to try a natural breast enlargement program first?